International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education“, International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education“

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Elitist Studies in Management and Economics: Contemporary Needs and Challenges under Conditions of Globalization
Borisas Melnikas

Last modified: 2017-05-10


This theoretical article is intended to the needs and problems of the creation and further development of the so-called elitist studies in the field of management and economics. Main attention is focused on the essence and key principles and priorities of the creation, further development and modernization of elitist studies in general, as well as of the elitist studies in the field of management and economics. It is shown that the creation, further development and modernization of the elitist studies and their systems is an essential precondition for the purposeful development of the intellectual potential in all areas of social and economic life, in all spheres of social, economic and technological development, including in the field of management and economic activities. The role and importance of the elitist studies in the field of management and economics in the context of contemporary challenges of globalization, knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation, intensification of scientific and technological progress, as well as in accordance with the contemporary needs to radically improve managerial activities and to develop and modernize the intellectual potential of specialists in management and economics, is highlighted. Factors and priorities of the creation and further development of the elitist studies in the field of management and economics are described in details.




management, economics, globalization, elitist studies, intellectual potential.

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