International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education“, International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education“

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Business Logistics Processes in the Global Context
Pavel Ceniga, Viera Šukalova

Last modified: 2018-11-23


Logistical processes facilitate the relationships between production and the movement of products. Specifically, logistical processes should address many of the aspects of production, including time, costs and quality. When a company successfully coordinates these logistical processes, the company can track the process through production, consumption, storage and disposal. A functional logistical process also relies on the proper geographical location of all assets within the organization. The current trend toward the globalization of supply chains renders many managers confused as to what globalization really means. Often, the term is little more than a battlefield of semantics, of little value to the individual tasked with managing value creation and cost reduction processes in the movement of goods. Clearly, globalization infers the cross-border movement of goods and the emergence of global competitors and opportunities across competing supply chains within an industry. Managers, however, often question the differences between a global market and a single market, in that many of the same conditions exist in both. Although this may be true, the complexities of cross-border operations are exponentially greater than in a single country, and the ability to compete in the global environment often depends on understanding the subtleties that emerge only in cross border trade—that is, in Global Supply Chain Management. The principal objectives of the article is analyse the Business Logistics Processes in the global Context.





logistics, management, globalization

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