International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education“, International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education“

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Globalization impact on investments: challenges and solutions
Povilas Švogžlys, Eugenijus Chlivickas

Last modified: 2017-05-10


Globalization is certainly a widely debated topic nowadays. It is one of the main features characterizing contemprorary society. This phenomenon affects the most significant social, economic, technological, political and cultural processes. Rising living standarts and technological progress are changing consumer behavior, needs and main priorities. Purchasing decisions are determined not only by price or physical and technical characteristics of the item, but also by global trends which can directly affect consumer behavior. This publication presents analysis of globalization impact on investments. Given the fact that the real estate is one of the most important investments in our life, the study has focused on the European Union residential real estate markets. The methods of scientific literature analysis, statistical data evaluation and synthesis has been applied for the research presented in this paper.




European Union, consumer behavior, globalization, investments, real estate.

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